About the Echo Lakes Association

ELA Mission & Purpose

The specific and primary purpose of this Association is to improve, expand, and develop the facilities of the Echo Lakes Area in furtherance of the common good and general welfare of the people of the community;
to better the sanitation, health, safety and fire protection facilities of the Area; to work in cooperation with the United States Forest Service (USFS) in the enforcement of all regulations of the Department of Agriculture with regard to sanitation, fire, public health, and recreation within the Area; to further the interest of this corporation and the members of the community, as well as to contribute to the comfort, well-being, safety, and happiness of the Echo Lakes community; and to represent the interests of owners and USFS Permittees of lots and parcels within the tracts of real property in the Echo Lakes region of the El Dorado National Forest. [ELA By-Laws]

Who We Are

The Echo Lakes Association serves the cabin community and interested people surrounding Echo Lakes, located near Echo Summit in the El Dorado National Forest in California. Most of the cabins in the Echo Basin are owned by families on Forest Service land under the recreational cabin program established by Congress in 1915. The Echo Lakes Association started in the early 1920’s.  Approximately 85% of the cabins are USFS special use permit holders and the other 15% are cabins on private land. Together we work for the common good and general welfare of the people of the community as well as the many members of the public who visit the Basin.  

This site provides services for ELA Members and Associate Members.  Many of the articles, files and features on this site can only be viewed after an ELA member logs in.  Members are those who  are USFS special use permit holders or lot owners (collectively “Members”) and associated families (“Associates”).  Others with affiliations with the Echo Lakes region such as frequent visitors to the region or guests of Members are also welcome to join as Associates.

ELA is a CLOSED ASSOCIATION: membership is not open to the general public, Contact ELA below to inquire about membership.

ELA Board Goals

The ELA focus in 2021-2022 has been:

• Fire Safety.  In July 2021,  ELA hosted a community forum about cabin fire safety.  Little did we know how timely that discussion was!  The Caldor Fire destroyed 177 USFS cabins in the Highway 50 corridor but thanks to the work of USFS, CalFire and our local first responders  and with some help from the weather, no cabins in the Echo Lakes Basin were damaged. 

  • Caldor fire recovery will be an important issue for the Echo community.   ELA will work with USFS/Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit to evaluate fire damage and clear debris.  As a community, we will learn more about fuel reduction options that might be appropriate in the Basin.
    • ELA will continue its transition to digitally-delivered communications, introducing the capability to renew memberships and pay “dues” and fees online.  There will be easier access to members-only information after logging in to our website. This will save thousands of dollars annually in postage, printing and mailing expenses. Members will need to “opt-in” to give permission to have their ELA Board communications delivered digitally. There will still be a “traditional printed and mailed” option; however we urge ELA members to take advantage of the enhanced electronic capability to save our volunteer Association time and money as well as  saving trees. – ELA Board of Directors

Important Community Partners & Links:


US Forest Service
Lake Tahoe Mgt

Echo Chalet:
store, cabins to rent, boat taxi, boat services...

Lake Tahoe Fire & Fuels Team
Helping our area prepare for wildfires

Tahoe Resource Conservation District

Lake Tahoe Boat Inspection Center
Info for launching boats on Echo Lake

California Fish & Wildlife

The National Forest Homeowners Association is a valuable resource for USFS permittees and their families. NFHA is a nonprofit organization that provides vital news about legislation and concerns, has negotiated cabin insurance options and has a website full of pertinent news for our members. Membership is low-cost and of value to ELA membership.

Echo Lake Assn. News & Events

The news and articles below may require ELA Members and Associate Members to log in to view the information on these pages.

Board Meeting: effluent tank maintenance

Board Meeting: effluent tank maintenance

A Special Board Meeting took place online on September 15 to discuss:• Effluent tank maintenance and relining proposals. Schedule for repairs begins this week.• Homeowner's pier and floating boat...

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